James Church

Web Developer

Hi I’m James! I’ve spent the last few years exploring and learing all that I can about website development. In that time, I’ve learnt many things, some of which I’ll showcase throughout this site. These include: Nodejs, React and Next.JS.

I’m always keen to try something new, and forever learning and spending my time refining my abilities to take on the next task, whatever it may be.

When I’m not learning or building, you’ll find my spending time with my family, gaming or relaxing and watching some tv shows.


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  • Object Manipulation
  • Promises
  • Async Await
  • Closures
  • Loops

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  • Fullstack app creation
  • SSG and SSR
  • getServerSideProps
  • getStaticProps
  • getStaticPaths

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  • Modules
  • File System
  • Creating Packages
  • CLI Creation
  • API

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  • Functional Components
  • React Hooks - useState, useReducer, useEffect
  • Context
  • JSX
  • Code Splitting

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  • Block Elements
  • In-line Elements
  • Figure and figcaption
  • Form Elements
  • Input Attributes

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  • Flexbox
  • Grid
  • Animations and Transitions
  • CSS Variables
  • Calc




A goal app that easily allows you to create and manage goals, and track your progress towards these through daily tasks. Built with Next.JS, and using Postgress as a database for user information, as well as Prisma for an ORM. I was interested in building out this app due to the lack of other tools avaliable to easily track progress towards a goal, and break down daily tasks that if repeated or actioned regularly will help users achieve their goals.



A baby size app, so that parents can easily send a link to friends and family which shows sizing information for their child. Parents can login and keep this up to date so family and friends can buy clothing that will fit bubba perfectly. Built with Next.JS, and using Mongo DB to store user information and baby information. The reason behind building out this app was personal experience with regards to family members and friends buying clothing that baby is too big for. The goal was to make the flow and sharing bubba information as easy as possible.



A goal app that easily allows you to create and manage goals, and track your progress towards these through daily tasks. Built with Next.JS, and using Postgress as a database for user information, as well as Prisma for an ORM. I was interested in building out this app due to the lack of other tools avaliable to easily track progress towards a goal, and break down daily tasks that if repeated or actioned regularly will help users achieve their goals.

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